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Loops and conditions

Loops provide the method of iteration while condition allows or blocks the code execution when specified condition is meet.

For llop and While Loop

  • To iterate over the List. Lets prin the items in the list
L =['apple','banana','kite','cellphone']
for item in L:
  • What is range?
range(5), range(1,100), sum(range(100))
(range(0, 5), range(1, 100), 4950)
  • To iterate with for loop and adding the iterating index (the value of 10*k) to a blank List L.
L = []
for k in range(10):
[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
  • To create a double loop also called nested for loop. Lets create double for loop with i and j with range 5 and also populate the dictionary with key as (i,j)and value as 10*i+j when i=j and 100*1+j when i!=j.
D = {}
for i in range(5):
    for j in range(5):
        if i == j :
            D.update({(i,j) : 10*i+j})
        elif i!= j:
            D.update({(i,j) : 100*i+j})

{(0, 0): 0, (0, 1): 1, (0, 2): 2, (0, 3): 3, (0, 4): 4, (1, 0): 100, (1, 1): 11, (1, 2): 102, (1, 3): 103, (1, 4): 104, (2, 0): 200, (2, 1): 201, (2, 2): 22, (2, 3): 203, (2, 4): 204, (3, 0): 300, (3, 1): 301, (3, 2): 302, (3, 3): 33, (3, 4): 304, (4, 0): 400, (4, 1): 401, (4, 2): 402, (4, 3): 403, (4, 4): 44}
  • To iterate two elements from two seperate Lists. It is not like nested for loop.
for item,j,k in zip(['apple','banana','kite','cellphone','pen'],\
apple | 0 | 12
banana | 1 | 45
kite | 2 | 45
cellphone | 3 | 67
pen | 4 | 34
  • To iterate and ennumerate both together.
for i,item in enumerate(['apple','banana','kite','cellphone']):
    print("The",i,"th element is: ", item)
The 0 th element is:  apple
The 1 th element is:  banana
The 2 th element is:  kite
The 3 th element is:  cellphone
  • To create a list with for loop
A = [10*k**2+5*k+1 for k in range(10)]
[1, 16, 51, 106, 181, 276, 391, 526, 681, 856]
AA = [[10*x**2+5*y+1 for x in range(3)] for y in range(3)]
[[1, 11, 41], [6, 16, 46], [11, 21, 51]]
  • To iterate over List of List
for i in range(3): 
    for j in range(3):
        print("The","(",i,",",j,")","th element is: ",AA[i][j])
The ( 0 , 0 ) th element is:  1
The ( 0 , 1 ) th element is:  11
The ( 0 , 2 ) th element is:  41
The ( 1 , 0 ) th element is:  6
The ( 1 , 1 ) th element is:  16
The ( 1 , 2 ) th element is:  46
The ( 2 , 0 ) th element is:  11
The ( 2 , 1 ) th element is:  21
The ( 2 , 2 ) th element is:  51
  • To use while loop.
i = 0
while i <5:
    print( i, "th turn")
    i = i+1
0 th turn
1 th turn
2 th turn
3 th turn
4 th turn
  • To break for loop implementing if condition
for i in range(10):
    if i ==3:
  • To test the if conditions:
import random as random

for i in range(10):
    r = random.uniform(1,10)
    if r<2 and r>0:
        print("It is samaller then 2 and greater then 1","|", r)
    elif r<4 and r>2:
        print("It is samaller then 4 and greater then 2","|", r)
    elif r<6 and r>4:
        print("It is samaller then 6 and greater then 4","|", r)
    elif r<8 and r>6:
        print("It is samaller then 8 and greater then 6","|", r)
    elif r<10 and r>8:
        print("It is samaller then 10 and greater then 8","|", r)
It is samaller then 10 and greater then 8 | 8.910435750481426
It is samaller then 8 and greater then 6 | 6.616669779231224
It is samaller then 4 and greater then 2 | 3.8009645328925896
It is samaller then 4 and greater then 2 | 3.3039198434839117
It is samaller then 4 and greater then 2 | 3.2192327041596696
It is samaller then 10 and greater then 8 | 8.658302824387317
It is samaller then 10 and greater then 8 | 9.048987906482312
It is samaller then 10 and greater then 8 | 8.061577985253708
It is samaller then 8 and greater then 6 | 6.301327115111054
It is samaller then 6 and greater then 4 | 5.316492901781898
  • To find sum from 0 to 1000
s = 0
for i in range(1000+1):
    s = s+i
  • To find sum from 0 to 1000 (only even)
s = 0
LE = []
for i in range(1001):
    if i%2 ==0:
        s = s+i
s, sum(LE)
(250500, 250500)

